The Belt and Road: Mahi tahi, Harmony and Win-Win


L-Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate CAS:5191-97-9 Kaihanga Kaihanga

L-Ornithine Alpha-KetoglutarateKo tetahi o nga hua o te mahi a te enzyme arginase i runga i te L-arginine, te hanga Urea.No reira, ko te ornithine tetahi waahanga nui o te huringa Urea, e taea ai te whakakore i te hauota nui.Ka hangaruatia te Ornithine, a, he mea whakakorikori.Tuatahi, ka huri te haukini ki te carbamoyl phosphate (phosphate-CONH2), ka hanga he haurua o te Urea.

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

Taupānga me te Pānga

Ko te L-Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, hei whakapakari i te kai kai, kaore e taea anake te taapiri i te ngoikore o te kai o te kai maori, engari ano hoki te whakapai ake i te hanganga kai me te waahanga o te kai, kia tutuki ai nga hiahia o te tangata mo te kai. ka taea e te whakamahi i te kai whakakaha kai te taapiri i etahi matūkai, ki te whakatutuki i te kai motuhake me te kaupapa o te hauora.L-Ornithine L-aspartate he metabolite o te whakahekenga arginine na te arginase.Kua whakaatuhia ki te whakaheke i te toto haukinia toto ma te whakanui ake i te haukiniadetoxification i roto i te uaua me te whakaiti i te kaha o te encephalopathy hepatic i roto i te cirrhosis.

Tauira Hua


Tapeke Hua:


He korero taapiri:

Te tito C10H18N2O7
Te whakamatautau 99%
Te ahua Te paura ma
CAS No. 5191-97-9
Te takai 25KG
Te Ora Papa 2 tau
Rokiroki Rokiroki ki te waahi makariri me te maroke
Tiwhikete ISO.

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