The Belt and Road: Mahi tahi, Harmony and Win-Win


N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl CAS:5080-50-2 Kaihanga Kaihanga

Ko te Acetyl-L-carnitine he ahua acetylated o te mitochondrial metabolite L-carnitine e whakakoihia ana e te plasma esterases ki te carnitine.Ko te Acetyl-L-carnitine e whakahaere ana i te tangohanga o te acetyl-CoA ki roto i te mitochondria i te wa o te waikawa waikawa ngako, te whakanui ake i te hanga acetylcholine, me te whakaongaonga i te pūmua me te membrane phospholipid synthesis.I roto i te vivo, acetyl-L-carnitine (100 mg / kg) ka whakanui ake i nga taumata pūmua receptor mGlu2 / 3 me nga paepae mamae miihini i roto i te tauira kiore o te mamae o te mamae o te mamae tonu i puta mai i te awhina a Freund.

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

Taupānga me te Pānga

Ko te Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) he taapiringa kai nui.Ko te ALC he taonga taiao, kei roto i te tinana o te tangata, ina koa i roto i nga uaua, i roto i te roro, i roto i nga tohu tane.Ko te ALC te ahua o te acetylated, te kaha nui o te L-Carnitine. Ko te Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) he mahi nui ki te whakawhitinga takawaenga me te whakapai ake i te hua wahine.Ko te mana oxidative me te metabolic o te punaha whanau wahine e whakahaerehia ana e te ALC.Kei a ALC nga paanga cholinomimetic me te anti-inflammatory.Ka whakahaere i te punaha γ-amino butyric acid (GABA).Ka taea e ALC te whakarereke i te tere o te whakamahi huka i roto i te roro.Kei a ia ano tetahi mahi neuroprotective i roto i te whakawhanaketanga roro.

Tauira Hua


Tapeke Hua:


He korero taapiri:

Te tito C9H18ClNO4
Te whakamatautau 99%
Te ahua Te paura ma
CAS No. 5080-50-2
Te takai 25KG
Te Ora Papa 2 tau
Rokiroki Rokiroki ki te waahi makariri me te maroke
Tiwhikete ISO.

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